Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Niku Day: miso pork stir fry with steak tartar.

Minami and I are enjoying Niku Day with miso pork stir fry and steak tartar.


What other Keropi items does she have? Her lunch bag is with her at school.

Picture from yesterday

This morning Minami was a little cranky today. Could be because I told her she could not take her dolphin doll to school. She was just about ready to cry when I left.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Late start

Minami did some crying in bed last night (probably because she was super tired from her Sunday playing and lack of noon sleep time). So I let her sleep in for about 1 hour this morning. She woke up in a good mood. Weather is cold today.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Parting words

I was able to get a final word in with Ms. Martin and thanked her for inviting me.

Colburn Early Childhood Symposium

More photos.

Learning to be a better musical parent at the Colburn early childhood symposium.

I keep missing a chance to say hi to Minami's Colburn music teacher.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Slumber party

Minami will stay at my parent's house while I go to the symposium tomorrow.

Minami at doctor

Minami got her flu shot and measles/mumps/rubella shot. She won't need to go back until after turning 3 years old. Her eye drained last night and is getting better.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

LB Aquarium

From a few days ago.

Nijiya carts are more Minami's size but she has more fun in the big Costco carts.

Nijiya carts are more Minami's size but she has more fun in the big Costco carts.

Minami has an obsession with frogs, driving, and ice cream.

Minami has an obsession with frogs, driving, and ice cream.

This morning

Banana w vanilla yogurt breakfast. Small talk with teacher about Tagalog and Minami's kilikili.

Minami and I won this Domo doll on the claw game for $0.50, but Minami freaked & wouldn't go near it.

Minami and I won this Domo doll on the claw game for $0.50, but Minami freaked & wouldn't go near it.

This my friends is the best churro on Long Beach from The Funnel House.

This my friends is the best churro on Long Beach from The Funnel House.

Minami for the birds.

Minami for the birds.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Eye bump

As you can see Minami's eye has a bump that's become increasingly white - filled with puss. I'm putting an egg on it as usual so I'm hoping it will go away. She's eating the new turkey sandwich from the Costco food court.

Day 2

Neko gohan and mango juice for breakfast. Her right eye has a little bump. Will put warm egg on it tonight. Doctor's appointment Friday.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Shark Week for Minami California.

Shark Week for Minami California.

Morning rush

Minami woke up to Lang Lang. Yogurt for breakfast. Went to school and older kids were very inviting, showing Minami what to do as the teacher changed the turtle's water.